Lapino village is located in 25 kilometers from the White Sea, on the riverside of Suma and in 13 km from Sumozero from which the river is flows. The most part of settlement located in the right sight of the river, and on the left - in front of the village - a cemetery (two of them - old and new).
The best overview is opened from the mountain Popok. It is a good view of the village, and all the fields, the river with the islands and bays and even Yukovskie mountains, located about 25 km.
In the neighborhood of the village, about ten kilometers, there are located hundreds of lakes and the so called Lambin. Most important, to be more exact - fishing lakes : Palozero Dorozhnoe and Palozero Korov’e, Chagozerskoe, Chagozero, Sormosozero, Pertozero, Tegozero, Podkozero, Pyalozero, Ku yushozero (upper and lower), Roga, Kodalamba, Zhabolamba, Vaskozero, Virmozero and many others.