The Chapel of St. George

The Chapel of St. George

The chapel of St. George in the village of Pertiselga is located 19 km from Olonets, on the way to Petrozavodsk. The chapel was built in the late ХVIII century, in the XIX century it was completed.

The chapel is very original in its volumetrical solution. The building consists of two frameworks of different height, which were built at different time: a meeting-house and an inner porch. There is a small belfry above the inner porch. The eastern wall of the meeting-room has three sides. There is a small timber quaverangle with a roof and a small cupola on the ridge of the meeting-house’s roof. The initial ceiling was made in the shape of a pyramid (a so-called “sky”); but in XIX century a new horizontal ceiling was built.

There is a huge cross inside of the chapel. In the past such crosses were placed near the roads or in various memorable places. The entry to the chapel is on the north side. An old forged door-know on the inner door of the chapel is especially interesting. The chapel is on the edge of the village in a large grove and one can found it only when coming very close to it.

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