Rubcheyla is a small village in the northern part of ethnic area of Karelian - Livviki , 6 km far from Essoila. The landscape is plain, and the relief is undisturbed. The settlement is remoted from big lakes and rivers. The road connecting Essoila and Kroshnozero crosses Rubcheyla.
The village appeared in XVIII century. In 1820-s there were seven houses in Rubcheyla, and the number of houses increased up to 10 with 62 people by 1773, and 86 people lived in 12 houses in 1905. According to the statistics of that time the inhabitants of Rubcheyla had rich personal possessions – on average in one homestead there were more than 14 heads of cattle – that was twice more than in other villages of Syamozero volost (region). In 1909 a new general construction plan was developed for Rubchayla. The author of the plan was B.V.Bekesh, a land surveyor from Petrozavodsk . As a rule, such plans were developed by officials without taking into consideration local features. That is why the peasants often did not observe such documentation.
At present the houses are located in the following way: one part of old houses’ facades are directed to the south according to the old Karelian tradition, and the other one to the road; some of the houses stand on the places defined by Bekesh. As a result several rows of houses directed to different sides make a design composition of Rubcheyla.
A cemetery grove with high pines and spruces in the center of the settlement is a typical feature of Karelian village. There is a chapel in the grove dated back to the second half of XIX. The bath-houses ("banya") are located along a small spring flowing across the village.
The researchers of wooden architecture believe that the village of Rubcheyla is an integral architectural and natural ensemble. This village is a favourite place for some Karelian artists.
At present there are 8 buildings in Rubcheyla which are the monuments of folk architecture. The house of Ermolaev is one of them (2nd half of XIX). The other noteworthy monument is Mikhailov’s house built in 2nd half of XIX as well.