General information
Mueserskiy region is situated in the western part of central Karelia, along the border with Finland (area - 17.6 thousand square meters. km, population - 15,9 thousand people). It is the second largest district of the territory of the Republic with low population density. District crosses the West Karelian hill, which is the White Sea-Baltic watershed. Watershed position of area creates original natural specificity.
Nature and climatic peculiarities
The relief of the edge, spread on the West Karelian hill, is characterized by a substantial overlap with maximum heights of up to 255-259 m. There are a lot of swamps and lakes, the largest of them, Ondozero, Leksozero, Tuulos, Sukkozero. The area is characterized by swift rapids of the river, including one of the largest in Karelia Chirka-Kem.
Rivers flow in all directions, and they are especially clean. The area also abounds in large and small lakes with very clear water, and springs.
The climate is cold in winter (January, 15 degrees) and a fairly warm summer (July, 16 degrees). Over 50% of the territory is covered with pine and spruce forests north-taiga image. Fairly rich fauna (moose (Alces alces), reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), bear (Ursus arctos), and others) is typical of northern taiga.
Historical peculiarities
Archeologically, territory of Muezersky area, including Rebolsky region, was examined repeatedly. In the end of XIX century, here were several accidental finds of Neolithic tools. Since the 1950's. unfolded systematic archaeological study of the area, which gave ample of the source material to reveal the big picture of ancient people stay in these lands.
Ancient period of settling the territory Muezersky region falls to the Mesolithic period. Then in Karelia vanished glacier and began its exploration old man.
There are four water-lake systems Chirko - Kemskaya having a north-east direction; Onda - Ondozerskaya (Eastern) Sung - Gimolskaya - (southeast) and Leksozersko-Lenderskoye - southwest direction. All of them are used for kayaking and rafting and well known to the Russian water tourists. River of area abound of rapids and lakes are rich in fish.
In the south Muezersky district, 20 km from the village. Sukkozero, located Vottovara Mountain, the highest point in the West Karelian Highlands - 417.1 m. The mountain is in the state registered as cultural-historical (archaeological) monument of national importance. Vottovara interesting and as a natural monument. Its slopes and the top are covered of the well preserved forest and forest-tundra communities, and the mountain have a bright traces of tectonic activity.
Key lines of the development of tourism
- the formation of the natural park "Tuulos";
- development of the tourist potential of the mountain Vottovara;
- development of ecological, agricultural and water-sports tourism;
- organization of water tourist route around the village Tiksha;
- organization of international tourist route along the rivers of water-Lenderka Lieksanjoki;
- improving the organization of bilateral crossing point through simplified check "Innari."